7月14日-15日《秋江》《三岔口》《霸王别姬》 7月16日-18日《秋江》《扈家庄》《天女散花》 7月19日《扈家庄》《天女散花》《霸王别姬》 7月20日-21日《秋江》《扈家庄》《天女散花》 *具体演出曲目以当天实际为准 《霸王别姬》 秦末,楚汉相争,项羽遭汉军十面埋伏,困于垓下。入夜听得四面楚歌,疑楚军尽已降汉,在营中与爱妾虞姬饮酒作别。虞姬为解项羽愁闷,含泪于帐中舞剑。最终楚霸王英雄末路,虞姬自刎殉情。
Farewell My Concubine Chu and Han, the two prominent forces in post-Qin Dynasty, are engaged in a power struggle for supremacy over China The warlord of Chu, Xiang Yu, is ambushed by the Han army in Gaixia, an ancient place in what is now Anhui Province. At night, in his army camp, Xiang Yu deplores his fate as he drinks wine with his beloved concubine, Lady Yu. He thinks he can hear his own army chanting the songs of defeat and surmises that a total surrender to Han is inevitable. Lady Yu tries every means to please Xiang Yu in order to relieve his sadness. She dances with a sword, tears in her eyes. She kills herself when she realizes that Chu was doomed.